Hotel and Coworking offers Delft
Find amazing deals on everything from hotel rooms to coworking spaces at The Social Hub Delft! Whether you're here to work, network, or delve into Delft's history, our special offers ensure you make the most of your stay – for less!
Our hotel deals
Our semester deals
Our coworking deals
Coworking members save more
Whether you opt for a flexible workspace, a dedicated desk or a private office, our 6- to 12-month coworking plans give you full access to our workspaces and deliver more benefits for less.
Try our coworking space for a day
Searching for a stylish workspace for the day without commitment to a coworking plan? Our coworking day pass offers easy, affordable access to our workspaces, including a flex desk, networking events, tea and coffee, and more.
February Deal: Escape the grey
Ready to brighten up your February and sleep in? Discover 17 cities in Europe with last-minute room rates, plus a free drink. Save an extra 5% by subscribing to our newsletter below.
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